Vision, Sustainability, and Friendship: The Story of Grupo Puntacana and Scalto


Por Gabriela Pulido, Scalto Co-Founder

En mis más de 30 años trabajando en branding estratégico, pocas colaboraciones han sido tan significativas y transformadoras como nuestra relación con Grupo Puntacana. Lo que comenzó como una asociación profesional se ha convertido en una amistad donde compartimos valores y una visión común de un futuro más sostenible.

From day one, the founders of Grupo Puntacana inspired me with their boldness and ability to see opportunities where others saw obstacles. One of them once told me, “When we arrived here, this was just a stretch of virgin land. But we knew it had enormous potential. We dreamed of turning it into a world-class tourist destination, and that’s exactly what we did.”

But what truly sets Grupo Puntacana apart is their unwavering commitment to sustainability. As a vice president of the group told me, “For us, sustainability isn’t a strategy or a responsibility. It’s part of who we are, our DNA.”

Over the years, we have worked hand in hand with Grupo Puntacana to integrate this philosophy into every aspect of their business. One of the most challenging and rewarding projects was redefining their brand portfolio. The Marketing Director insisted, “We needed a structure that would allow us to grow and evolve, but without losing our essence. It was an intense process, but the result was a clarity and consistency that has guided us ever since.” We managed to create a portfolio that enhances the Group’s corporate strategy, establishing clarity of action in terms of the Resort, Services, the Airport, and beyond.

Beyond professional achievements, what I value most about our relationship with Grupo Puntacana is the bonds of friendship we have forged. Scalto didn’t just act as a supplier or consultant; we became catalysts for change, accompanying the strategic redefinition process, bringing their vision to reality, and charting the path towards a defined future. A team committed to change and the vision of making dreams come true.

Con su compromiso con la innovación y la sostenibilidad, Grupo Puntacana está bien posicionado para seguir siendo un líder y un pionero en la industria turística. Y con la fortaleza de nuestra amistad y colaboración, sé que Scalto estará allí, como siempre, para apoyarlos y crecer juntos.

In a world full of challenges, Grupo Puntacana is a beacon of hope and an example to follow. Their story demonstrates that with vision, determination, and a genuine commitment to doing the right thing, it is possible to create a lasting positive impact. And that’s what motivates us to be catalysts for growth, building brands with purpose.

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