
After a successful exit, they decided to venture into an investment platform focused on confronting climate change while generating value. The task at hand was to materialize the robust strategy and team's track record into a winning platform to raise traction in the financial and renewables environment.

Packing, brand narrative, branding
Financial Services & Fintech
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Growth Strategy

We worked with the strategy to connect with investors. The success and growth is tied to the generation of credibility, in turn, linked to the experience and the portfolio, hence it required important agility and speed of work to allow the company to communicate in a relevant and consistent way.

Brand Consulting

We created Nexwell, a brand that connects with investors in this industry with an innovative, fresh and bold narrative, name, identity, and system. In addition, we designed the scenario for the coexistence of the different business units (real estate, construction, operations, etc.) to promote growth as a whole.


We developed and supported the launch of each of the brands within the portfolio: Ibexia, Ibox, Nexwell Power, designing the brand identity and strategy to make each one unique, tailoring the brand to the needs of their particular segments.Digital Solutions. We developed the websites for the brand portfolio, creating an aligned user experience with enough interconnection but also independence in navigation that allowed the right targeting.

"Scalto has the advantage of having a highly creative team with strategic thinking. This combination was the key for us to achieve the ideal brand name, purpose and narrative”

Pablo Pulido